Proverbial Sayings

Fírinde inár croidhedhaibh...

Fírinde inár croidhedhaibh & nertt inár lámhaibh, & comall inár tengthaibh.

(truth * in our * hearts * & * strength * in our * hands / arms * & * fulfilment-of-promise * in our * tongues)

The truth in our hearts, the strength in our arms, and the truth in our tongues.

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I cenn cach baíth a báegul.

I cenn cach baíth a báegul.

(confronting * every * rash man * his * hazard)

Every reckless man faces his own danger.

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Ba cáera for gaimen.

Ba cáera for gaimen.

(would be * berries * on * hide)

That would be like (a few) berries on the table.

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co ná rabar dá adaig i n-áeninad

co ná rabar dá adaig i n-áeninad

(so that * not * I might be * two * nights * in * one place)

lest I be two nights in the same place = so that I never stop traveling

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Do·rignis Cú ocus Cethen dím.

Do·rignis Cú ocus Cethen dím.

(you have made * Cú * and * Cethen * of me)

You have destroyed me completely.

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Is fada le fer bfurnaide.

Is fada le fer bfurnaide.

(is * long * with * man * of waiting)

Times passes slowly when you’re waiting for something.

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Is uisce do loch insin.

Is uisce do loch insin.

(is * water * to * lake * that)

That is (like carrying) water to a lake.

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Ní gnáth orgain cen scéola.

Ní gnáth orgain cen scéola.

(not * usual * massacre * without * survivor)

However harsh the battle, someone usually survives to tell the tale.

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Na sluaig na saiget segair.

Na sluaig na saiget segair.

(the * armies * that not * attack * is/are attacked)

Armies that don’t attack are attacked.

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Is súail ní is budi ri bocht.

Is súail ní is budi ri bocht.

(is * trifling * thing * that is * grateful * to * poor man)

A poor man is thankful for even small things.

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